Thursday, April 29, 2010


I kind of felt like writing a song that was stranger, and more impressionistic. With most songs I go for a pretty tight pop structure, and lately I've been writing lyrics that are more direct. With this track I wanted it to be more spontaneous. That was one of my goals undertaking this two song a month thing-to be a bit more carefree and not overwork things. Sometimes you write song to try and save the world. Other times you just want to be psychedelic.

I think this song is about letting go of the things that you don't need.
<a href="">geography by beat radio</a>

Here are the lyrics:

Tell me what you see
When you close your eyes
Are you in too deep?
Are you sick of goodbyes?

Your geography
Is an I. O. U.
In a feedback loop
Where the light burns through

In a brokedown car
On the ferris wheel
In a ring of fire
We backed out of the deal
We backed out of the deal

When the roof caved in
We were in a trance
And beyond harm's way
In this graveyard romance

We could let things go
Walk around the block
How our teachers cried
How our parents were shocked

On Saturn's rings
With your heart displaced
On a copper wave
You dropped out of the race
You dropped out of the race

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